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John Markman did two tours. He volunteered to walk point for us and then came back to do a second tour as a door gunner on a Huey. Adrenalin junkie I think. John died a few years ago, just two months before I got his contact information. His family told me he became a policeman after returning home from the Nam. Someone recently asked me how John could change his MOS from infantry to crew chief on a Huey. I'm guessing, if someone was willing to do a second tour, they would let him do brain surgery if that's what it took to get him back.

This is one of the artillery pieces at the bridge on the road between Pleiku and Dak To; where we pulled security for a couple of weeks.

This is a new bunker being built at the bridge near Dak To. "A bunker with a view." The bunker was for those providing security for the artillery just across the river.

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